Portfolio summary

Portfolio Risk Study: UBC

Portfolio Risk study for the University of British Columbia. Automated the analysis of structural performance for the 328 buildings that make up this diverse portfolio, enabling us to consider >100 ground motions for each structure. The scale of this project was an opportunity to develop a novel automation strategy covering all buildings, using both a scalable approach to finite element modelling in LS-DYNA, and a data driven approach harnessing a large set of analyses reflecting typical canadian construction types.

More information, including the final report issued by our team is hosted by the client here.

Portfolio Risk Study: UBC
Excerpts from Analysis

Summary of the design base shear (strength) for the UBC portfolio, disaggregated by type
Summary of the design base shear (strength) for the UBC portfolio, disaggregated by type.

Simulated EDPs for a 6-floor concrete structure

Simulated EDPs (drift, acceleration, and residual drift) for a 6-floor concrete structure.

Simulated EDPs for a 6-floor concrete structure
Summary of the simulated drift on a building-by-building basis, averaged across all ground motions considered at MCE.